Belofte  version 2.1.5
A promising chess program using the UCI or Winboard interface
util.h File Reference
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class  TimedExecution
 Helper class for measuring execution time for functions Call ClockStart and ClockEnd at end of execution If getDuration is being called without ClockEnd, it will return elapsed time but continue counting. More...


 Allow index mapper for char values of piece into int in 1-12 range to reduce space and easy initialisation.


typedef std::vector< std::string > belofte::stringList


stringList belofte::stringSplit (std::string src, std::string delim)
 Split delimited long string into a vector. More...
std::pair< std::string, std::string > belofte::decompose (std::string const &src, std::string const &delim)
 Split delimited long string into a pair based on delimiter e.g. More...
std::string belofte::to_string (long value)
 std::to_string not compatible on Mac OS (Apple LLVM version 5.0) provide generic utility function More...
std::string belofte::alltrim (std::string s, std::string const &delim=" ")
 trim left and right spaces or delim from string More...
bool belofte::is_number (std::string const &s)
int belofte::getRandomInt (int const nMax)
int belofte::getRandomRange (int const Range)
int belofte::positionParamIndex (stringList const &param, std::string const &findstr)
 find position in which param has been found More...
int belofte::positionParamValue (stringList const &param, std::string const &findstr, unsigned long const nOffSet=0)
std::string belofte::currentDate ()
std::string belofte::scoreAsStr (bScore const sc)
std::string belofte::prettyTime (int64_t const timems)